Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Go Soccer!

I am so impressed with Germany and Argentina. We're so excited to see them in the finals!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Happy Independence Day!

We enjoyed fireworks with the Aunts, some of their cousins, Carol, John & Bekah today. We enjoyed a BBQ (so to speak), root beer floats and the game of Greed (also known as Farkle).

John reminded us of the origin of "The Star Spangled Banner". It's good to be reminded of the sacrifices of our Founding Fathers and also of those who fought in wars after our American Revolution, like the War of 1812 and more recent wars.

We want to thank everyone that has sacrificed for our nation's safety, primarily the people in the armed services. But, we also want to thank the people at home who work to make this country better: those in the medical, education and other service professions. A sincere thanks to all.

We are so proud and lucky to be Americans!