Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Fourth Wedding in Two Years....

So, apparently Bill and I getting married meant that it was time for three of my four siblings to get married as well. Fun times! My sister got married five months after I did. Then, the eldest brother was married in April to the gorgeous A. Now, it's time for Brother #2 to be wed to the beautiful H.

Tonight, the girls get to party all night long at H's Bachelorette Party. Then, tomorrow night, the boys will help J. celebrate with go-cart races, etc. at their very own Bachelor Party. Friday night, the reception will occur from 7:00-9:00 p.m.. By 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, I will have another sister-in-law!

We are very excited to welcome H. into our family!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Since It's St. Patty's Day.....

St. Patty's Day and the First BYU Win of March Madness.....

Bill and I figured we could actually update some of you guys and gals on how Our Life is Goin'...... Hope life is good. Bill and I have been enjoying watching Bones episodes. And, at the moment (literally) are watching one of the episodes from Season 6 about a Dolphin Ring.

Amber is Very Excited that she only has one more day of school in Fifth Grade (since she teaches fifth graders these days, but ask her tomorrow, and she might be teaching a different grade.....). I Wish I was kidding...... But that's like five stories for another week. or two. or three. or five.......

Bill is Still an Amazing Graphic Designer, an (almost) wagering enthusiast of College Basketball and Sports in General, and a very Hard-Working Student at Utah Valley University! Yeah, Him!!!

We hope everyone that we are related to are doing well and will soon be Flying Down to Houston! Yeah, Us! We're excited to see Amber's Meyer relatives in Texas and see Grandpa Kuhn and Grandma Kuhn's House. We're excited to see family members Bill hasn't been able to meet yet!

Hope all is well with All of You and Yours! We love Whoever Reads this Post!
;-) Amber & Bill!